Our Commitment

BCCK strives at all times to offer the best possible service, but there may be an occasion where you feel you have cause for complaint. BCCK sees complaints as helpful feedback which we can use to improve our services and as an organisation overall. We will always try to resolve the problem within a reasonable timescale and to your satisfaction.

How to lodge an official complaint:

  1. To log an official compliant, send an email to ceo@bcckenya.org; addressed verbally to the Chief Executive Officer or a member of the Executive Committee.
  2. The complaint is then lodged with the Chairman and Vice- Chairperson, as well as relevant sub-committee, where appropriate.
  3. The complainant is informed that the compliant has been lodged and that an official response will be given within three (3) working days if priority and10 working days if non priority.
  4. The Chief Executive Officer and where appropriate, relevant board committee member, will process the complaint and will keep the Chairman and Vice-Chairperson informed on the processed resolution, seeking guidance, if necessary, before the resolution is sent to the complainant.
  5. A response is sent to the complainant with the resolution.
  6. If the resolution is not accepted by the complainant, the Chief Executive Officer will investigate the matter further and escalated (if deemed appropriate) to the Executive Committee where recommendations will be made for an alternate resolution.

What you can expect

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days, including a time scale for resolution and ensure that the right person investigates the complaint. BCCK aims to resolve all complaints within fourteen working days. If you are not happy with the resolution for any reason, please use the contact details above to notify us and we will review the complaint.

Kindly note that the Chambers complaints management policy is consistently reviewed and up-dated as and when required.